Thursday, March 15, 2007

Two bells...and all's well!

Yep! Two o'clock in the morning! Actually 2:10 am. No piccie! I'm sitting here yawning. I want to thank everyone who posted about the chocolate. I had plans for a pic for tonight but got so busy with other stuff on the website that I just can't do it tonight. I'm so far behind too in getting around to comment on all your blogs but I will get there!


RUTH said...

Hope you sleep well.

CG said...

Hope you feel rested in the morning, Pat x

Sheila said...

Hope you had a good sleep.
If you need energy today..
chocolate is good..!
Hehe..couldn't resist that..!

Annie said...

Hi Pat, I was just commenting on another insomniac bloggers page about how I loved being awake in my house when all the rest of the household is sleeping. I hope you enjoyed your quiet time immensely.

To answer your question, yes, the dancing woman on my blog today knew I was taking her picture. I think she did the twirl just for me.

photowannabe said...

Rest and be refreshed. We'll be here when you are ready.