Friday, May 25, 2007

Waiting for the Wind

I liked seeing the seeds on this dandelion down in my garden. Seemed as if they were waiting for the wind to come and blow them all away.


photowannabe said...

Make a wish Pat. My kids always love to blow and make a wish. Nice closeup.

RUTH said...

I posted a photo of a dandelionon my Bee's Eye View blog the other day, great minds and all that! They have such cheery flowers and fabulous seedheads; shame they are considered a weed.

inspired said...

ye lovely close up shot pat ;-]

Deepak Gopi said...

Your blog is ethreal.I cannot express through my words how beutiful your photos are :):)
I really likes a lot ,I will always come here.I feel that I am in the midlle of a beautiful garden.
thank u for visiting my blog

CG said...

Appeallingly soft and fluffy!!

Karen said...

How pretty, and the blue background really goes well with your blog colours!

Pijush said...

Hi Pat,

Came to this one from the other blog and liked it very much. You have very nice shots including this one, and I need to know tips from you. Please can you let me know how I can give borders to the pictures?
Thanks in advance,