I was at the market last week and was trying out my zoom lens.
Almost a smile? Just a candid shot from the market.
This elderly man was sitting waiting for his family at the St. Jacobs Farmers Market and after I took this photo of him from a great distance, he proceeded to straighten his cap and his collar! Once a police officer--always a police officer! He didn't miss a thing!
He was a delightful gentleman. I went over to chat with him later and he had a Police Assn. cap on and he was retired from the Police and is 92 years old!

Do you like the black & white version or the coloured?
I really like the black and white one. I bet this gentlmean has many a tale to tell.
oops.....an extra "e" slipped in there..I meant "Gentleman"
I think I prefer the black and white. I bet the gentleman was interesting to talk to.
I like the black and white version, also....
It shows him sitting in the shadows... (very "detective" like)pearing out from his old man disguise!
Great picture, Pat!
I like the B&W version. He doesn't look his age!!
Gday Pat, I like the Black and white photo I would like to know what he is thinking.
I like the b & w version, two. This gentleman's face shows so much character and you did a very good job of capturing him with your camera.
nice catch....I bet he has more than one tale to tell....Unlike everyone else I rather like the color shot....
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