Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yellow Jacket in the Apple Tree

Our bees are scarce this year so happy to see any flying insect helping to pollinate the apple trees.


photowannabe said...

You and me both. Great closeup Pat. Just don't get stung.

RUTH said...

Wonderful photo. Hope you get more bees soon.

Sheila said...

Hi Pat,
yes very warm here for the past few days. Thunderstorms called for today, the rain is badly needed.
We do have lots of bees, though I have heard of them being scarce in some locations.
Have a lovely weekend.

CG said...

Oh dear; what has happened to all the bees???

Pat said...

Hi CG...

There's a mystery here in North America this year. About 80% of the bees didn't over-winter. Of course the beekeepers are replenishing their bees but there is a shortage in many areas.

inspired said...

praise the Lord,

Anonymous said...

This is a great closeup. We have quite a few bees around but they never sit still for me to get a shot.