Monday, April 16, 2007

In Hamilton all day...

Hi folks...

I've been in Hamilton most of the day in the hospital visiting my friend so no time to take photos. Her big operation didn't take place since they x-rayed on Saturday and found her LEFT hip (her good one) dislocated. So they fixed this in an hour and a half operation.

She's very discouraged as is her husband.

Maybe some photos tomorrow as I won't be going to Hamilton but will be going on Wednesday.


CG said...

Your poor friend! Sorry to hear that news Pat

Kaycee said...

Pat, I am sorry to hear about your dear friend.
I hope that you take care of yourself, too! You always do so much for so many people.

RUTH said...

Oh Pat, she must be so disappointed and I know as her friend you will be sad. Sending you both {{HUGS}}