Sunday, March 25, 2007

What a busy weekend!

I'm gradually getting used to having an older teen staying with me but this weekend was so different. Two of her friends came over and they decided at about 10 pm to dye each other's hair!

They were very careful with the dye and I only had to use a little bleach on my kitchen counter to erase the fuschia/hot pink colour from my beige counter!!

I did find some purple on an old towel and some green somewhere else but on the whole, they did a great job cleaning up.

I drew the line when they said, "Grandma, want yours done?"


photowannabe said...

Oh come on Pat...Then we could see your new blog pink is very in.

RUTH said...

I've always had a secret urge to have bright red hair! Nicole coloured hers with a special easy wash out colour for Red Nose Day (charity) a few years ago. She expected it to wash out after a couple of lasted 3 months!

CG said...

LOL! I just started getting my hair coloured at the hairdressers because I was fed up with ruining towels, surfaces etc and getting told off by P; then K starts colouring her hair so it's back to the mess and the rubber gloves!!
I think you would suit fuschia pink :)